Our School House Program Action Plan

In order to participate in our program, parents are required to take an active part in their child's education. They must help monitor activities, passively oversee the completion of lessons and participate in the development of their child's program plan.
In addition to mastering the core program, students are required to learn and use the independent learning skills presented throughout our progam. The ultimate purpose of the School House program is to develop independent learners who are responsible for their own learning.
The formation of the action plan is the most important part of the School House program.The data collected through the assessment portion of the action plan tells the student, the teacher and the parents a very pointed story. The student sees exactly where his knowledge base is strong and the areas where his understanding needs to improve. The teacher identifies the areas of growth and the future direction for lesson development. The parents see success in the objectives mastered and an immediate course of action to remediate areas needing attention.
Unfortunately, the development of a personalized action plan doesn't happen in too many classrooms beacuse of the number of students and the time constraints imposed on the teacher. Students have little opportunity to celebrate the things that they did well or little time, if any, to correct and review the things that were below an acceptable standard. The items that were identified as substandard remain substandard and the students move on. Over a period of time, huge gaps appear in the students' grasp of the subject content and major skill weaknesses become evident, causing additional problems.
This will never happen when your child enrolls in our program. School House Canada ensures that your child is properly grounded in every aspect of the content area. We are not happy with the results until you are.
Sign up for the program today!
In addition to mastering the core program, students are required to learn and use the independent learning skills presented throughout our progam. The ultimate purpose of the School House program is to develop independent learners who are responsible for their own learning.
The formation of the action plan is the most important part of the School House program.The data collected through the assessment portion of the action plan tells the student, the teacher and the parents a very pointed story. The student sees exactly where his knowledge base is strong and the areas where his understanding needs to improve. The teacher identifies the areas of growth and the future direction for lesson development. The parents see success in the objectives mastered and an immediate course of action to remediate areas needing attention.
Unfortunately, the development of a personalized action plan doesn't happen in too many classrooms beacuse of the number of students and the time constraints imposed on the teacher. Students have little opportunity to celebrate the things that they did well or little time, if any, to correct and review the things that were below an acceptable standard. The items that were identified as substandard remain substandard and the students move on. Over a period of time, huge gaps appear in the students' grasp of the subject content and major skill weaknesses become evident, causing additional problems.
This will never happen when your child enrolls in our program. School House Canada ensures that your child is properly grounded in every aspect of the content area. We are not happy with the results until you are.
Sign up for the program today!